Our PERM Inc. Instruments page has moved!
Make sure to check out our new website for all of our core analysis equipment: http://perminstruments.com/
Special Core Analysis (SCAL) & Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Laboratory
PERM Inc.’s Tomographic Imaging and Porous Media (TIPM) Laboratory is on the cutting edge of Oil & Gas Research & Development.

World Class SCAL & EOR Experts
Our leading team, headed by Dr. Apostolos Kantzas, is constantly pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding for Special Core Analysis, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and Reservoir Characterization. Combining this knowledge with real-world laboratory results can help you mitigate risk, increase production and solve reservoir issues.

Coreflooding Experts: Fully Customized Flood Designs

At PERM Inc., we design and build our coreflooding rigs from the ground up; everything from the coreholders to the Data Acquisition Systems & Software.
Special Core Analysis & Enhanced Oil Recovery Laboratory Services

Custom Full Diameter Corefloods
PERM Inc. can handle corefloods of all types; we build many different coreflooding rigs/setups to match any experiment required. Talk to us today to get an experimental design that meets your needs.
Enhanced Oil Recovery Evaluation
We will evaluate which Enhanced Oil Recovery method will work best for your particular case. Customization is also an option to ensure the best results.
Relative Permeability Tests
Many companies use PERM Inc. for corefloods and relative permeability tests.

CT Scanning Core
All core is scanned for testing, and we collect quantitative data (density and porosity) to help show fractures. Our method creates a permanent record of the core before slabbing or destroying it.
Micro-CT Scanning Core
Micro-CT Scanning allows us to scan small plugs or cuttings and get excellent resolution. Therefore we can see small fractures and pores down to 2 micron resolution.
Modeling & Simulation
We use multiphysics tools such as Comsol, open foam, and in-house tools to understand the physics of each experiment.

SimDist C6 to C120+
While many conventional laboratories only go to C30+ or C60+, we recognize the importance of going above C60+. Our carbon number distribution of oil can go up to C120+. This is important for characterizing heavy oils, and under which conditions different oils are produced.
Digital Core Analysis
By combining CT Scanning, micro-CT, SEM, EM, NMR, and/or other sensors, we import this data into our complex models. Properties are calculated within every pore, and from that, we derive accurate core analysis data and upscaling algorithms.
In Situ Saturation Monitoring (ISSM)
Whether it is fluid testing or core flooding, we can use our sensors to get flow visualization and a better understanding of the physical mechanisms at play.
To see a full list of our services, click here.
Tomographic Imaging: CT Scanning Core

CT Scout Scan of Core while core is still in the tubes. This is showing 0° and 90°.

3D Reconstruction from Axial CT Scan Images allow you to look inside the core and derive accurate density and porosity data.
Low Field NMR
This is incredibly useful technology, that can help determine fluid saturations non-destructively. It can be used on fluids (even emulsified fluids), or on core rock (to determine fluids inside the porous material).

Reservoirs Have Complex Challenges
Low Reservoir Recovery?
Reservoir Damaged?
Low Porosity?
Reservoir Plugging?
Under Pressurized Reservoir?
Heavy Oil? Tight Oil?
Low Permeability?
Water Invasion?
Other Issues?
We Can Help!